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Jadé Fadojutimi
​© 2022 Pippy Houldsworth Gallery / Jadé Fadojutimi, Cavernous Resonance, 2020, oil and oil stick on canvas, 170 x 180 cm
"I bathe in the conversations between colour, texture, line, form, composition, rhythm, marks and disturbances." - Jadé Fadojutimi

identity and self-knowledge

memories of everyday experiences 

emotions impossible to convey through language

construction of sense of self

feeling displaced

a reality parallel but separate from the world

Jadé Fadojutimi explored a complex emotional landscape. Her paintings offer an insight into her quest for identity and self-knowledge. For her painting is like looking into a windowpane and seeing the reflection of her self, the context in which she lives, and the distorted fusion of these two. That is why she uses the canvas to grapple with memories of everyday experiences, both good and bad. Through this process Fadojutimi examines how her sense of self is constructed so that her paintings communicate forms of emotion which are impossible to convey through language. She also reflects on the trauma of feeling displaced or alienated from one's surroundings and many of her works depict mysterious landscapes between figuration and abstraction, in an attempt to create a form of reality which is parallel to but separate from the real world. She aims for “deep emotion, not deep description”.(Houldsworth, 2022)


“Fadojutimi explains that her works 'question the existence of feelings and reactions to daily experiences. They question our perceptions and perspectives whilst manifesting struggles. They recognise a lack of self caused by automatically thinking that my identity is already defined, and also a frustration that paint can accept these characteristics better than myself.’” (Houldsworth, 2022)​

​© 2020 Pippy Houldsworth Gallery
Jadé Fadojutimi,

​© 2020 Pippy Houldsworth Gallery
Jadé Fadojutimi,


"She creates large scale, colour-saturated compositions. Rhythmic, gestural marks dance across their surfaces, ebbing and flowing between abstraction and figuration to conjure a host of different moods and sensations. I see abstraction and figuration as opposite ends of the same spectrum and each work has its own place on that spectrum. My paintings derive their shapes, colours and patterns from clothing, anime, video games, soundtracks, childhood obsessions, memories, drawings, traumas, experiences and objects I have collected along the way. They are woven together into emotive environments that breed characters and forms. There are moments in some works that can be described as deliberate, but they are not preplanned; forms reveal themselves during the process of making." (Trigg, 2021). 


“While I’m painting, the harmonious unity of my senses becomes apparent,” she writes in her recent monograph, Jesture (Anomie Publishing, 2021). “They muddle together, chitter-chattering about their newfound warmth as though it’s their first connection. This first meeting seems to happen almost every day.

Key Takeaways

Why is it relevant to me?

Her work is relevant to me because her paintings exhude such a fearlessness in handelling the paint. Her work is very inspiring for me and her brush work and the layering of paint astonishes me. She celebrates coulour and thereby creates a sensory experience, which decisions she herself finds really hard to describe because it’s all about her subjective pleasure. This intuitive mark making is often a starting point for my artworks in oder to break up the white of the canvas and to loosen up a bit. I still feel that I constrain my brush work too much, that is why I find there is a lot to learn from her approach to painting.​



PIPPY HOULDSWORTH GALLERY (no date) Jade Fadojutimi. Available at:

(Accessed: 26 Jan 2022)


Studio International (2021) Jadé Fadojutimi – interview: ‘I bathe in the conversations between colour, texture, line, form, composition, rhythm, marks and disturbances’. Available at:

(Accessed: 26 Jan 2022)

© 2022 Marie-Therese Heublein

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