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Contexts that inform my research

a list of artists, writers and thinkers relevant to my practice

Reading and Discussion
Events and Exhibitions
List of Artists
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"Enjoy your life as a fluent being and let me be the robot your world demands you to be." - Dahlia

existence and truth / Femmeniod / new freedom of self expression / human as robot / identity / misbehavior / ones own truth

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Francis Bacon
"You know in my case all painting – and the older I get, the more it becomes so – is accident."

accident / experiment / the decision-making ability of humans / structuring of decisions

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Ibrahim El Salahi
"There is no painting without drawing and there is no shape without line ... in the end all images can be reduced to lines."

collision of dreams, past and present / sudanese landscape aesthetic / concerns of society / geometric non human-figures

Jadé Fadojutimi
"I bathe in the conversations between colour, texture, line, form, composition, rhythm, marks and disturbances."

identity and self-knowledge / memories of everyday experiences / sense of self / displacement / reality parallel to the world

Julie Mehretu
“As you come close to it the big picture completely shatters and there are these numerous small narratives happening.”

city / gestural energy transfer / mark making / infinit urban narratives / distance and closeness / individual and society

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Sarah Sze
"Art is a timekeeper; it endows breath into materials. It is a traveling message between humans across centuries."

images from worlds both physical and digital / complex multimedia works / microscopic to macroscopic / nature of materiality 

Olafur Eliasson
“I don't feel alien or excluded when working with digital art. I still ask the same questions: why and how.”

physical phenomena in nature / installation art / seeing yourself sensing / AR / disembodiment / the change of values

Refik Anadol
"I think when we use architecture and technology with a purpose, we can create feelings that become embedded in our DNA."

quantum computing software / machine-learning algorithms / collective memory of nature / narrating the “unknown"

Helen Chadwick
"What will happen if we step into this universe that doesn’t belong to this Earth, but can exist?"

the body and the environment / the “biased” world of physicalities / fluidity of identity /

removing bodily boundaries

Gregor Wright
"His work is informed by a variety of interests including science fiction narratives, computer games, philosophy of mind and “a passing interest in the occult”."

found imagery distortion / digital strokes / constantly changing image / perception

Shi Zheng
"Shi Zheng has focused on the virtual landscape and the internal system behind screen."

virtual landscape / digitalized nature / latent time / computer vision / observation / energy transfer/ shared landscape

Grit Richter
"Her works are shifting between abstraction and figuration, between the immediacy of utopian landscapes."

abstraction and figuration / universal feelings as aesthetic parables of our inner world / consciousness / collective memory

Iris van Herpen
"I find beauty in the continual shaping of chaos which clearly embodies the primordial power of nature's performance."

posthumanism / Deleuze / fractal folds /

contemporary entwinement / fluid identity /

becoming / glitch / hybrid

Fka Twigs
"Racism is unacceptable in the real world, and it's unacceptable online."

futuristic visuals / synth-pop / musician, dancer and director / experiment with sounds, generating emotions / 

"A.I. could automate all the farming, weed out systematic corruption, thereby bringing us as close as possible to genuine equality."

world creation / future existence / generative music / algorithmic mood music / AI as the consciousness of the universe

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Justin Mortimer
"There is something about the tension between reality and abstraction and to the point where it almost falls apart."

disorder of modern society / the hidden, the clouding, the mystery / the collapse of pictural space / figures as ciphers

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Richard Patterson
"I often juxtapose differing painting languages in order to create a duality."

hyperabstraction / displacement / half-spaces / the human form / multilayered paintings / distortion / covering / collaging

Vivian Greven
"My work is about love. It is about the longing for an unconditional yes to every existence."

dissolving hierarchies / connection, separation and merging / perfect bodies / expanding boundaries of the body

Daniel Richter
"When art fulfils its promise, it expands something within us, and it offers some kind of truth – whatever construction that may be."

chaotic bodies / human and non-human / dissolving bodies / unprecedented movement / representation and propaganda

Glenn Brown
"Your eye does caress the surface of the painting as if your hand would be moving over the surface of it."

drawing / grotesque yet fascinating figures /

illusion of impasto / mutation between stroke and line / different visual surfaces

Nigel Cooke
"The entire philosophy of what it is I am doing has been adjusted."

ambiguity and fragmentation / dualities discontinuities / instability and tension / energetic and abstract figuration

Laura Owens
"I really want paintings to be problems … The painting is coming out at you and asking you to put these things together."

“disparate” paintings / mix of digital and analogue processes / illusion and materiality / planes of information

Wagehe Raufi
"I work with material and with my own body and I mainly deal with mixed forms."

material presence and digital fragility / entanglement of bodies and environments / delimitation / scanning reality

David Szauder
"I’m not modifying the source of the image, I’m modifying the surface of the image."

living with imperfection / parameters of errors / imperfect nature of human memory / glitch codes / self-generated memories

"You know we are increasingly expected to perform in mixed realities. People are becoming portals of internet experience."

blurring technology and our concept of self / limits of human body / mixed realities / altering the human condition

Neil Harbisson
"Being united to cybernetics makes me feel that I am technology."

cyborg, cyborgism and cyborg art / visible and invisible colours as audible vibrations / identification as cyborg and transpecies

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Ann-Marie James
"Precise drawing intersects with splashes of ink and gestural painterly marks to form a metamorphosis of ´The Metamorphoses´."

metamorphoses / mutation / abstracting and retaining / new reading / imaginary museum / ancient Greek and Roman myth 

Flora Yukhnovich
"In a way, I think we’re living in another Rococo period."

dynamism / indulgence and ornamentation / figuration and abstraction / mark making / gestural brushstrokes / rhythmic sensuality

Christina Quarles
"[I seek] to dismantle assumptions of our fixed subjectivity through images (...) [of] the disorganized body in a state of excess.”"

destabilized space / hybrid environments / messy and multifaceted selves / existing within a body / complex identities /ambiguity

Marc Prats
"My practice uses the narrative quality of painting to explore the liminal space between psychology and digital technology."

iminal space between psychology and digital technology / generational anxieties / social media on the human psyche 

Tom Worsfold
"The screen is a bodily appendage in more ways than one. This inspires the way I render the body."

desires and anxieties / the body as interface between states / fragmentation / synthesis / dissecting the body / the self as technology

Vivien Zhang
"I am really interested in pinpointing the contrast between the digital and the analogue."

alternative landscapes / digitally mediated world / consumption of sporadic information / cultural and geographical fluidity 

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Matthew Stone
"There is an energy to it all, that looks like chaos to the uninitiated, but I understand it as a transformative space, defined by experimentation."

digital modelling / art history / dynamic equilibrium between the figure and its abstraction / transformative space 

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Michael Armitage
"Spending time with a subject can create a deep empathy that is at the heart of what I make, which is that we are all fundamentally the same." 

identity of a place / signifiers of western art history / looking from the outside / challenge cultural assumptions / regional mythology

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Arnulf Rainer
"A little like the dream continues in deep sleep, the covering of a painting is the continuation of this monologue in silence."

Art Informel / Overpaintings / filling a deeply felt emptiness / invisibility / the impulse to perfect / reproduction and extinction of self

Raoul Ubac
"I would wish a state of innocence which would reflect through the work the magnificence of the world."

solarisation / landscape of dreams / distortion / rupture of perceived reality / 

convulsive beauty / body as formlessness

Felipe Baeza
"In making the invisible visible and vice versa I aim to challenge those notions that keep people in the margins."

queer desire / fugitive bodies / ruptured and regenerated bodies / the body in flux / 

disembodiment / existing as an "other"

Roberto Matta
"It is a space without limits and which transforms itself in time – a mutant space."

mutant space / non-Euclidean geometry / machine-like shapes / fantastical, inward-looking narratives / cosmic creation 

Marguerite Humeau
"I am prototyping worlds that are invisible or extinct, or parallel to ours. They might exist, but we don’t really know about them."

mysteries of human existence / laboratories of the extinct / beyond human / new contemporary mythologies / consciousness

Yves Tanguy
"I cannot, nor, consequently, want to try to give a definition, even a simple one, to what I paint."

hyper-real world / molten surfaces /

surrealism / alien landscapes populated with various abstract shapes

Kay Sage
"The more I wonder, the longer I live, how much water can stay in a sieve."

sleekness / wastelands / psychological spaces / the transitional, temporary, and unstable / existential dread / enigma

Ry David Bradley
"The prevailing tendency in my work is to leave the digital as clunky and messy and human as possible, painting freely but somehow refined."

blurring of boundaries / ‘digital painting’ /  

warped/distorted time / NFTs and tapestry /

painting inside the image itself

Yunchul Kim
"In the infinite cycles of creation and extinction,
the world and its matter constantly gyrates and descends."

mattereality / co-existence of matter, time, objects, beings / (in)visible paradigm shifts of the present as spiral / anthropocene

Tishan Hsu
"I consider myself a cyborg. Google is my memory."

cognitive and physical effects of technology on our lives / fundamental corporeality / the body as interface for systems of reality

Sougwen Chung
"For me, it’s all physical. The virtual is just a different type of physicality, a designed tangibility perhaps."

AI / robotics / painting and VR / ritual and world-building / entanglement of realities / human-machine collaboration / co-creation


Maggie Roberts
"Our categories and boundaries are now under immense pressure, cracking and leaking."

post-anthropocene narrative /  cosmic and geological time scales / possible futures of being human / virtual worlds and avatars

Jacolby Satterwhite
"I don´t even wanna break the 4th dimension, I wanna break the 5th dimension."

5D painting / utopia / VR / immersive installation / body disintegrating into a network of imagined worlds / avatars

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Dor Cohen
"So what does disembodiment feel like?"

time, (dis)embodiment and VR / the moving body in space and time / translating embodiment into virtuality / identity

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Niall Ashley
"I identify as Black and Non-Binary, with my work sampling heavy from this experience and the impact of bureaucracy and class."

authority / classism / racial identity / NFTs / society’s unheard voices / paintings extended by performances as NFTs

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Pascal Sender
"I try to actually make a bridge, a bridge for the young and the old."

painting and AR / hybrid works / engaging the viewer / Contemporary Life / connecting generations  / interactive moments


© 2022 Marie-Therese Heublein

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