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Contexts that inform my research

a list of artists, writers and thinkers relevant to my practice

Unit 1 – Reading and Discussion

Sadie Plant

ON THE MATRIX - Cyberfeminist simulations

Zeros + ones: digital women + the new technoculture

Seduced & Abandoned, series of ICA conferences​

Gilles Deleuze

Simon O´Sullivan

Simon O´Sullivan

Edward Thornton

Stephen West

Scott Jeffery

Cultural Studies as rhizome - rhizomes in Cultural Studies

A Life Between the Finite and Infinite

The Rise of the Machines: Deleuze’s Flight from Structuralism​

Podcast, Philosophize This!, Episodes 125 – 129

Thesis Review Part One: Assemblages and Rhizomes

Acatech: Who are we? - About the change in technology and the future of man

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan Wörner
PD Dr. Achim Budde

Prof. Dr. Armin Grunwald


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sami Haddadin

Dr. Olivia Mitscherlich-Schönherr

Prof. Dr. Anke Becker, 

Prof. Dr. (TR) Dr. phil. and med. habil. Ä°lhan Ä°lkılıç

President of acatech

director of the Catholic Academy in Bavaria

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology / acatech


Chair of Robotics and System Intelligence, Technical University of Munich / acatech

lecturer in philosophical anthropology at the Munich School of Philosophy

Center for Synthetic Microbiology (SYNMIKRO), Philipps University of Marburg

Türk-Alman Üniversitesi |Turkish-German University Istanbul

Jonathan Cook and Tim Leberecht

"Our Exponential Selves: Identity in the Digital Romantic Age"

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