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Dor Cohen
Screenshot 2022-11-12 at 12.48.08.png
​© Dor Cohen, Estrangement, closeup
“So what does disembodiment feel like?”
– Dor Cohen

time, embodiment and virtual reality

the moving body in space and time

translating embodiment into virtuality

identity, movement, and (dis)embodiment

Dor Cohen is an architect and digital designer who likes to poke themes he doesn’t fully understand, such as time, embodiment and virtual reality, through creative research and critical design projects. With a background in gymnastics, choreography and architecture, Dor is fascinated with the moving body in space and time, and how related phenomena translate to virtuality. In his practice, Dor interlaces the physical and the digital in thought-provoking films, illustrations, and virtual reality experiences. (RCA, 2022)

Estrangement Trailer

“Each person gets to live in one body, with its limitations and capabilities; the body is a tool one uses to explore and develop movement. Following Sacks’s suggestion, in this project, a simple phenomenon is being challenged for the sake of enriching our experience in the world. By gaining control over another body a limitless array of new moves may be obtained. Estrangement is an experiment-driven research project exploring themes of identity, movement, and (dis)embodiment. It provides a framework to challenge the notion of embodiment in which the subject is not only represented but also in control of a different body, facilitating a new proprioceptive dialogue with an altered reflection. Through VR experiences, performances, and workshops, both physical and digital, the project studies corporal modification and how it can affect our proprioception, for the sake of deepening and expanding mental and physical bodily capabilities related to movement. So what does disembodiment feel like?” (Cohen)

Head Wrap Texture / Estrangement still



Cohen, D (n.a.) Estrangement. Available at: (Accessed: 12.11.22)

RCA (n.a.) Dor Cohen. Available at: (Accessed: 12.11.22)

© 2022 Marie-Therese Heublein

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