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Yunchul Kim
​© Yunchul Kim next to his work Chroma V
“In the infinite cycles of creation and extinction,
the world and its matter constantly gyrates and descends.”– Yunchul Kim

a universe of mattereal entanglements


installation as living body

sculpture appears alive

the ‘world as a labyrinth’

co-existence of matter, time, objects, beings

ontological entanglements of humans, non-humans, and things

(in)visible paradigm shifts of the present

shifts as a continuous spiral

anthropocentric condition of the world

equality of everything that exists

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Yunchul Kim is a transdisciplinary artist and electronic music composer who works in installations, drawings, sound, texts and other media. Dynamically integrating science, technology, music, philosophy and poetry into his practice, he unravels a universe of mattereal entanglements. (Kim)

Research projects: collaborative research project Mattereality (KIAS, leader); Liquid Things (Univ. of Applied Arts, Vienna); Fluid Skies


“Gyre explores the world as a labyrinth where ‘mattereality’ matters rather than materiality, embracing non-human objects and material reality.” – Yunchul Kim

Yunchul Kim's serpentine sculpture pulsates and breathes inside the Korean Pavilion in Venice

Kim researches complex ontological entanglements of humans, non-humans, and things, while restaging such a “world of materials”. He has turned the Korean pavilion into its own world, or ‘living body’, occupied by his dynamic works that intend to awaken visitors’ senses to the continuous cycle of beginnings and endings. It is filled with five large-scale kinetic sculptures and a site-specific wall drawing. (e-flux, 2022; Myers, 2022)



Titled Gyre, the exhibition curated by Young-chul Lee is inspired by a 1919 poem by William Butler Yeats called ‘The Second Coming’, in which the Irish poet describes how a ‘widening gyre’ would unleash anarchy unto the world. (…) The spectacular installations reflect the artist’s transdisciplinary practice fusing art, literature, mythology, philosophy and science, and unfold around three themes: The Swollen Suns, The Path of Gods and The Great Outdoors. At the center of the exhibition is the 50-meter-long Chroma V (2022). Tangled in one big knot, the snake-like sculpture links all the artworks and the surrounding spaces together, like the central nerves that connect different parts of the body. As it receives signals from another exhibit, Argos – The Swollen Suns, the sculpture begins to pulsate and breathe. (Myers, 2022)

Behind Chroma V is Kim’s site-specific drawing Gyre (2022), which illustrates the ‘world as a labyrinth’ where matter, time, objects and beings interact and co-exist. (Myers, 2022)

“Gyre marks the (in)visible paradigm shifts of our present time, where one era ends and a new one begins, like the ends and the beginnings of a continuous spiral. We are at the “swollen” boundaries of complex political, cultural, social, and existential entanglements, accelerated by the aftermath of the pandemic, human-machine dilemmas, ecological disasters, to warfare – all a shadow of the anthropocentric condition of the world. At the periphery of these tensions is the world viewed through the lens of materials, where objects, beings, and nature all co-exist on an equal footing.” (e-flux, 2022)



e-flux (2022) Yunchul Kim: Gyre. Available at: (Accessed: 11.11.22)

Kim, Y (n.a.) About. Available at: (Accessed: 11.11.22)

Myers, L (2022) yunchul kim's serpentine sculpture pulsates and breathes inside the korean pavilion in venice. Available at: installation is composed of,implosion would create new worlds. (Accessed: 11.11.22)

VernissageTV (2022) Yunchul Kim: Gyre / Pavilion of Korea at Venice Art Biennale 2022. Available at: (Accessed: 11.11.22)

© 2022 Marie-Therese Heublein

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