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Savage Messiah
We move amongst ghosts
Some ways of engaging with a text
– Do you have a question after reading the text? Is there an area for discussion that the text raises for you? Share notes about this with the group in the chat.
– Can you give an outline of what the writer is saying in this text? Can you highlight a key moment? What do you feel are the strengths of this text? What are the weaknesses? Share notes about this with the group in the chat.
Highlighting words
– Can you identify a word that may be new, unusual, or used in an interesting way in this text? Note this word and the page number in the chat.
Highlighting passages
– Is there a part of the text that you feel is inspiring, challenging, or moving? Copy and paste the passage and page number into the chat.
– Are there any connections that you want to draw between this text and the wider world? This can be absolutely anything; an artwork, a personal experience or memory, something from your own research, a story from the news, a book or film

dérives, imbued with a sense of truancy and escape, incendiary, febrile, subwoofers


  • sites where repressed and partially erased voices might be heard

  • It is in these gaps where political life emerges as a current, where excluded voices become audible. In the stickers, flyposters, scrawls and scratches the expression of a collective unconscious can be read.

  • Graffiti here operates as a series of fluctuating currents, residing beyond the bland acceptability of 'street art'' and official historical text

  • Relics of the commons, social housing estates and experiments in Brutalist architecture should be considered 'objects and traces of the past that modern society threatens to destroy.’

  • In London we move amongst ghosts, they inhabit us, they speak through us. Neoliberalism creates atomised subjects, vessels straining with semiotic junk.

  • graffiti as "sites where repressed and partially erased voices might be heard”



  • as another voice thats on the margin

  • a form of mark making

  • disturbing physical order

  • liberating thoughts

  • made by ghosts, anonym creators so they can be honest without facing consequences) - messages to the be read by public! provocke the public

  • Bristol - graffiti tour - where Banksy is from

  • Poltergeist

    The Jinn Race or Demon Race are spiritual beings invisible to the naked human eye. In the Quran, it is stated that humans are created from the earth and jinn (demon) from smokeless fire in more than one instance. Only human and jinn have free will.

    • Jinn


“the finance-capital matrix becomes the official text of the city”

What does the finance-capital matrix mean exactly?

  • rave culture

  • matrix - as way of a game layer and the reconstruction

  • being in places where you should not be

  • capital is not wrong - politics is wrong! (Li Peng)

  • the floe of capital as a form of “drift”

  • Jack Tan (artist talking about institutions as organisms instead of moral guiders)


“Drifting is a way of engaging with this subterranean current in order to experience a renewed sense of agency, a reconnection with the heightened moment.”

Walking / drifting as a method?

  • Situationist International

  • explore the feeling in the real environment

  • rushing from work to home and not really seeing and acknowledging our surroundings

  • opt out of the routine to not be productive and experience spaces


"suspended times" - a rupture



  • against uniformation

  • liberate yourself from the control of our everyday lives

  • Wiki: “Neoliberalism is contemporarily used to refer to market-oriented reform policies such as "eliminating price controls, deregulating capital markets, lowering trade barriers" and reducing, especially through privatization and austerity, state influence in the economy.”

  • autonomiziation (everyone as part of the city but the individual is not important) - body in the machine

    • text is against neoliberalism / because it flattens the city



Ford, L (2019) We move amongst ghosts. Available at: (Accessed 18.05.2022)

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