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On Chain / Off Chain – discussion series (UAL CSM)

GENERATIVE ART | Natively Digital 1.3

BLOCKCHAIN & WALLETS | Ledger, POAPfr | Blockchain in Art and Fashion



METAVERSE FASHION | The Fabricant, The Dematerialised | Blockchain in Art and Fashion

Natively Digital 1.3

Sothebys auction 2020 - physical object and also NFT

  • helped validate the NFT space

  • Sothebys as amarket leaeder of NFTs

  • metavers as an exhibition context to showcase NFT but also bring the digital art into real space

  • NFT were created as rejection of White Cube Model of curation

  • the technology has changed a lot

  • certificates of authenticity were transformed from pieces of paper to binding the provenence by shared standarts on the blockchain on VERISART ?

  • the generative art work in the project

  • Warhol digital works in the 80ies → brings us to NFTs

  • arthistory behind that space

  • Vera Molnar (first NFT artists) / SoLeWitt

  • Didital world is very real to us - movemnet of collecting art online on Instagram (new feature on Instagram), buying digital clothes

  • Generative Art in the NFT space!!! most interesting movement Taylor Hobbs

  • Who are the buyers of NFTs? 50percent new bidders and buyers mostly 10 years younger global collectors from the tech sector, some believe stringly into the technology and only buy NFT and digital art; some cross overs with traditional collectures (prices over 100.000) thats why it is difficult for traditional buyers to be interested in something new at this price point

  • hermes bag - the meta-birkins digtal NFTs - the creators was siewing copiers of his idea but birking never autorized it in the first place; Platforms like OpenSea have more and more users and they are reacting with high speed / fake accounts / auctions trasfer the NFTs slower than platforms / we do enforce creator identification with government identity identification

  • who has the right and ownership who is the actual creator / the algorithm or the artist? human creativity and artificial creativity - you get into copyright issues birkin bag - artist buying a bag and paint on it / 3d model and paint on that? where is the difference? Generative Art you use code libraries - who is the creator? With AI it gets even more comlplicated! - you run a GAN (AI) with a whole lot of filters to get all the content that was already online - should you be able to own copyright of those GAN creations?

    • you are NOT the creator - US court made a statement - you have to be very careful with appropriation of images

    • with AI creative/artistic autonomy gets very difficult! New thoughts to bring Art forward

    • creative autonomy and autonomy of life

    • NFT once it has been minted you cannot ever take it out!

  • Sheppert Fairies - Obama image case to supreme court - now he uses copyright

  • only use licesences images without copyright

  • is your work based in part or in full on somebody elses work

  • Lamborgini NFT logo case (siuing)

  • who is the audience of generative art? Who are the collectors?

    • market of NFTs is growing

    • 4 billion people, half a percent penetration

    • the reason it has become so popular : it strikes at the heart on why people are coming to the NFTs - more pure form of sovereininty when it comes to images - the code is drawn in a smart contract

    • sverenity of where the actual item derives?

    • Token URI instead if URL

    • Book “soverein individuals” (crypto generation)

    • the Bitcoin code itself is very inspired by the coveronity movement

  • collage of NFT monkeys (101 apes) - made a record (popular image)

    • elon musk using the image as profile pic - he was asked by the creator to remove it - he said “it looks quite fungable” joking with the NFT space

    • COPYRIGHT the image always sits in the artists rights until 70 years after death even after the NFT has been sold!

      • 20% of every time it gets sold the artist gets something

      • the bored apes were fully licencenced to the buyer (gave everyone the copyright) thats why they became so successful → decentralization as a successful exemple of the phylosophical thoughts behind NFTs

      • open community not closed garden

      • as an artist has to be protective to where when it is shown and the commecial use of their artwork

      • Avartar projects as companies and business entities themselves - reliance on the vision of the crowed - quite a populist project, open permissionless, creates a ground spot for excitement to be able to won something from a creator and then advertise it as part of the bigger project or cummunity

    • Can we use blockchain for architecture and etc. as well?

      • I think there is a lot of work to arrive there but it could make transactions a lot easier

      • makes sense to alterate to real estate

      • the wallet infrastructur does not exist to it!

      • maybe there will be a platform that transforms the credit card to convert it into cripto but it does not feel like it! it is so diificult to get people interested - mass adoption will come when the platform becomes more acessible!

      • 2008 the white paper was published

      • tokenization of assets!!! companies doing paintings (when does the participation biultup)

      • what does the next generation of the internet will look like? Internet 3 - WEB 3

        • option 1: AI ? privacy issues

        • option 2: the soverenighty of the individual data at the core

          • tokenazation also in the physical space maybe as well

        • create a blockchain that doesnt crash!

collective faith in the asset of coins!

managing that community and create value for them

environmental concerns

  • different types of blockchain

  • action houses want to sell NFT off etherum cause its largley in use and seems the most reliable to the buyers (willingness to park their money)

    • desire for collector for their contracts of the NFT are still reliable in the future cause the coin seems more stable even though its not as good for the environment

    • energy consumption over blockchain is very transparent in comparison to other pullutions

      • it becomes the focuse of the problem just because its very visible, a lot of pollution (often more) is attached to physical works (transportation) which is not visible or quantifiable; NFTs do not waste resources of nature;

    • the technology will become more efficient

Ledger, POAPfr
Blockchain in Art and Fashion

This webinar will provide an introduction to blockchain and how it works. We will also cover the different types of wallets and protocols that are used with blockchain. This is essential information for anyone who wants to get involved with this exciting new technology.

On 23th April, the first NFT (Bobu) with private keys was sent to space via @Ledger - hardware wallet technology that provides security for crypto assets.

POAP is a curated ecosystem for the preservation of memories. POAP - Proof of Attendance Protocol - by checking-in at different events, POAP collectors build a digital scrapbook where each POAP is an anchor to a place and space in time. Every attendee will be able to collect a free POAP NFT during the session.



Mo El-Sayed, Head of Community & Education at Ledger Ariel Wengroff, Editor in Chief at Ledger Lucas Vera, Founder Director at


What is Blockchain?

Drawbacks (before)

Privacy (Data is stored centrally)

Access (not direct access to own money)

Mismanagment and Corruption

Company has conrtol over Data and Money itsself


Web 3 - the Internet of Value


Network of Computers, decentralized

Idea of consesus between thousands of entities

Account - two keys (one public key and one private key)

Web 1 login Web 2 platforms that manage transactions Web 3 (after 2008) only you have the password and access, nobody will be able to remove your assets


IRL in real life

AFK away from keyboard


hot wallets and cold wallets

“today data is the most valuable thing”

a lo to f responsibility to secure your digital existence

Coinbase not in selfcustody - own crypto through a third party


software wallet:

hardware wallet: (pulls out his necklace - with the product they produce)

borderless world of your phone, no company can gain money from your participation

(00:19:00)digital identity, instagram is a new currency that shapes our afk lives

(00:22 - 00:25) What forms your identity? - Online platforms and games (socializing) Memories!!! Your identity relates very much to your digital existence!
Identity is not owned by you!!


Digital ownership and assets!

(00:26 - 00:27) designing and the idea of the blockchain

art and IP - no stealing from the artists

“to double-click on”

(00:29) selling work on the blockchain, you get to keep your royalties, intellectual property

2.5 % Opensea fees compared to 50% taken from galleries NFTs

(00:40) Metaverse


As the popularity of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) continues to grow, so does the number of NFT marketplaces. These platforms provide a place for creators and collectors to buy, sell, or trade their NFTs, and each one has its own strengths and weaknesses. Battlefield panel between biggest market leaders: rarible, SuperRare, ArtBlocks, fxhash.

Panelists: Paul Schmidt, Growth at fxhash Moyosore Briggs, Tezos Community Manager at Rarible Nathan Beer, Head of Content at SuperRare Erick Calderon, CEO and Founder of ArtBlocks

  • cats rule the internet lets put them on the blockchain → Cryptokitty (each kitty was auto generated); breeding two kitties with their own DNA to create new kitties; was an entry for many people to the blockchain; gas-feeds where the breeding-time of the kitties; trying to get the fancy cats (breeding the two right kitties together to gain a special kitty like a puzzle) that was what kept people on the platform;

  • celebration of randomness of an algorithm

  • generative artists

  • something might come out from the algorithm that I might not have curated otherwise to show or release this image

    • your highlighting the system, the code, the process not an selection of final png works

    • its a good feeling to see that you are leaving the choice to the people who create further versions

    • PFP space ?

  • What made you move to the NFT space?

    • because I like code, came from webdesign, digital art has been very neglected in the last 10 years

    • you can escape the commercial pressure on your work, style or what you produce because you can sell directly to people who are interested in the space

  • Is it art?

    • reasons for artists to join nfts:

      • sales mechanism (dont use opensea cause their contracts are too brutal; media files and gifs etc. they are hosted on open seas servers - so if they go down the work isnt stored anymore; removing the thrid party from the equasion → use IPFS, Thesos, Pickand nug; pinning the work as a host) → smart contracts

      • the cryptographic signature (secure way of verifying your work; example prints: add a certificate to your print extra to your signature on the print)

      • I just fell into it without certain intentions

      • most of the art I enjoy is digital but its so hard to value digital art → nft as a new way for artists

      • the royalty is attached to the artist forever and the artist can still gain something from his work later if it is sold for way more that the initial selling price

      • its like saving music on vinyl → nft can make digital art tangible

      • easier to reach the collector no third party in the middle like an auction house or gallery

  • The most challenging thing? Social Media? Disadvantages?

    • sharing the same struggles as traditional artists

    • getting your voice out there, creating communities, not being well presented in certain environments

    • artists that just start to commit to art completely → they are not used to build an entire business around your art → how to market your work, struggeling with the need to market your art

    • challenges with managing your security on the blockchain, dont give away your pass key

    • risks with volatility

    • stable coins risk associated with it

    • nfts are not perfect jet

    • the energy concern as a massive issue (→ thesos, thea)

    • when is LAYER 1 full? What will happen when we have to move to blockchain layer 2?

  • How to build a following on these platform to boost your prices?

  • Are you under pressure to produce the next big thing or more work?

    • pressure is not felt that much

    • more a new technology thats going to be around, its not going to disappear

    • it more related to former print artists (not paintings but editioned artworks)

    • pressure on curators to make a selection

    • buyers can show their own collections and buy art, anybody can purchase work

  • platforms could communicated more with each other

  • Thesos (innovative) is getting good at meshing with other platforms so buyer can shift the minted purchases from one to another one

  • Blockchain and Sythetic Biology?

  • Exibition at Brian Owen (from red hair guy), makes a book from all the generated images from one code (physical archive of everything)

The Fabricant, The Dematerialised | Blockchain in Art and Fashion


(14:00) quote about the digital self

(30:00) quote about Nfts and their sustainablility

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