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Unit 2 – Extended Research

Pricing artworks / Studios
Group exhibition – Espacio gallery
Introduction to Creative Computing with p5.js – intensive course
On Chain / Off Chain – discussion series (UAL CSM)
Protopia Manifesto (UAL CCI)
Co-Creating the Future: A Manifesto Workshop (UAL Wimbledon)

Pricing artworks / Searching for studios
  • Pricing: Artists´ Union England / Artists´ Union England / Artists´ Union England
    Articles / Art Fairs

  • Artist fees: Visual arts organisations which produce sector guidance on fees and payments

  • Moodle Blog: Studio finder / Artist-led spaces / Artist-led spaces

Group exhibition – Espacio gallery

​Installation & Curation

The group exhibition was a great opportunity to get even more in touch with the other master courses. I found out about the group exhibition very late and was the last participant to join after another person canceled. It was a great experience to present my work outside of the university and to get a lot of feedback from both exhibitions.

The gallery was very well organised and provided us with a floor plan. Laura Porter distributed us to places that could of course be discussed again. Since you weren't allowed to drill holes in the wall, we secured our work with D-rings and hooks and helped each other install our work.


Reception and Feedback

Most visitors came to the private view on Tuesday. I got into conversation with a lot of people, which was great, and shared my thoughts and ideas about the work. What surprised me was that most of them wanted to know what the relationship between the two characters was. This emotional perspective in the search for an explainable relationship hadn't been such a big factor for me until then. Questions arose about the different proportions of the two bodies and whether one was oppressing the other or where they were dissolving towards. If it is a moment in a development or evolution then what is the final state? It made me very aware of how important a story or narrative thread is behind the work. The feeling of metamorphosis and dissolution was an integral part of the composition for me, but it seemed that people were dissatisfied when there was no explainable end in sight to the development.

Introduction to Creative Computing with p5.js – intensive course


Monday 4th April 2022

Introduction → GitHub and p5.js
Counting and Remembering → Binary / CamelCase → Data Self Portraits
Discussion → Flawed systems and representation


Tuesday 5th April 2022

Functions and Drawing → Initials / Lilian Schwartz
Deciding and Looping → Workshop
Discussion → Sol Lewitt and Tetralemma


Wednesday 6th April 2022

Arrays and Classes → Colour Observation and Ripples / multiple dimensions - Timothy Morton
Randomness and Noise
Discussion → Molnar and Moore


Thursday 7th April 2022

Scaling and Waves → Butt Generator (Sine and Cosine) / Albers and Riley Time and Algorithms → Pixels Discussion → Tehching Hsieh, Every Icon,


Friday 8th April 2022

Feedback and Emergence → Flocking / Joscha Bach
State Machines and Libraries → RiTa.js, p5.gui
Where next?
On Chain / Off Chain – discussion series (UAL CSM)
  • GENERATIVE ART | Natively Digital 1.3

  • BLOCKCHAIN & WALLETS | Ledger, POAPfr | Blockchain in Art and Fashion



  • METAVERSE FASHION | The Fabricant, The Dematerialised | Blockchain in Art and Fashion

Protopia Manifesto (UAL CCI)
  • 24.05.22 (12:00 – 13:40) Monika Bielskyte about her futurist research

  • “From fictional to real futures!” → “If we can´t see it we can´t do it!”

  • Who is deciding what the future should look like?


Co-Creating the Future: A Manifesto Workshop (UAL Wimbledon)
  • by Daisy Storm Comber Pearson

  • Re-word, re-structure, re-invent: re-manifest

  • In this workshop we took existing manifestos as our starting point, and reformulate them to suit our own purposes. We kept what speaks to us, and casted off what is no longer relevant

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