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Introduction to Creative Computing with p5.js – intensive course
Lectures by Joel G Lewis
Program of the Intensive

“Code as Creative Medium”

Book with exercises


Screenshot 2022-04-08 at 10.26.21.jpg
Screenshot 2022-04-08 at 10.26.21.jpg
My physical notes

Participating in this intensive course gave me a deep insight into the field of digital art and coding. The course structure of lecture, exercise and discussion introduced me to new data sources such as Github and introduced me to new artists and scientists. I was particularly fascinated by the philosophical approaches behind digital art and I found many new points of contact to delve deeper into this subject. Now that I have a certain basic knowledge of p5.js and creative computing, I can communicate more clearly with specialists in this field in the future and start developing this new skill further without any inhibitions.

A selection of visuals
Program – Overview​

Github – Lists of all things that are "awesome":


Day 1

Introduction /  GitHub and p5.js / Counting and Remembering / Binary / CamelCase / Data Self Portraits; Discussion / Flawed systems and representation

Day 2

Functions and Drawing / Initials / Lilian Schwartz /  Deciding and Looping /  Workshop / Discussion / Sol Lewitt and Tetralemma

Day 3


Arrays and Classes / Colour Observation and Ripples / multiple dimensions by Timothy Morton /  Randomness and Noise / Discussion / Molnar and Moore

Day 4

Scaling and Waves / Butt Generator (Sine and Cosine) / Albers and Riley Time and Algorithms /  Pixels; Discussion / Tehching Hsieh, Every Icon,

Day 5

Feedback and Emergence / Flocking / Joscha Bach / State Machines and Libraries
/ RiTa.js, p5.gui / Where next?

Selection of some of my favourites
Data visualisations

How we can find ourselves in data

Giorgia Lupi, 2017

Giorgia Lupi uses data to tell human stories, adding nuance to numbers. In this talk, she shares how we can bring personality to data, visualizing even the mundane details of our daily lives and transforming the abstract and uncountable into something that can be seen, felt and directly reconnected to our lives.

Unfolding Models panel presentations at MIT: 2021 "Unfolding Intelligence" Symposium

How do tools in computation shape the models that scientists, artists, and engineers make of the world and universe? From simulations of cosmic evolution to models of the unfolding of epidemics, computer and AI-aided work sees practitioners unfolding the possibilities of digital calculation and representation.
Featuring: Stefan Helmreich (convener), Rosa Menkman, Priyamvada Natarajan, and C. Brandon Ogbunu
Rosa Menkman

2008-2015 portfolio


Rosa Menkman (born 1983) is a Dutch art theorist, curator, and visual artist specialising in glitch art and resolution theory. She investigates video compression, feedback, and glitches, using her exploration to generate art works.
Joscha Bach

From Artificial Intelligence to Artificial Consciousness | TEDxBeaconStreet, 2016

Joscha Bach (born 1973 in Weimar, Germany) is a German artificial intelligence researcher and cognitive scientist focusing on cognitive architectures, mental representation, emotion, social modeling, and multi-agent systems.

(0:35 – 0:40)

“AI allows us to test our theories by building computer programs that process information in very much the same way as our brains do it.”

(0:52 – 0:54)
”We are right now in the middle of a revolution. The revolution of Deep Learning.”

Modeling a complete world: patterns → percepts → simulators → concepts


(5:58 – 7:22) The human mind

“Our mind are not classifiers, they are simulators and experiencers. Actually you and me we are not organisms. We are the side effect of organisms that need to do information processing to regulate their interaction with the environment. Most of the information processing of organisms is done with simple feedback loops. (…) But often feedback loops are not enough and you need to change behaviour. For this we have pleasure and pain. Pleasure tells you “do more of what you are currently doing”. Pain tells you “do less of what you are currently doing”. We have many kinds of pleasure and pain they are all related to need that we have. These needs are social needs, physiological needs and cognitive needs and most of my work is concerned in figuring out an architecture that regulates all these needs to find goals because we humans are not just goal directed systems, we are goal finding systems in the first place. We find goals to satisfy our needs and avoid getting hurt to frustrate our needs. These needs are what makes us distinctly human because they direct our interaction within the environment in very specific human ways.”

(7:23 – 7:46) The hippocampus

“To associate these needs with situations in the world we have the hippocampus. Many animals have a hippocampus. It´s the brain region that is able to associate stimuli with needs and behaviours so we have impulses to direct us to seek out certain situations in the world.”


(7:48 – 9:09) The neocortex

“And for this we have our neocortex. This neocortex creates mental simulations. It creates a simulated world, the world that we live in. To do this it need to have representations that are compositional that can be put together like lego bricks. Individual neurons cannot do this. (…) We currently think that our brain uses small circuits “cortical columns” that are each made out of a few hundred neurons and they provide this interface so they can fit together. (…) The cortical columns talk to their neighbours and thereby they compute functions together to produce mental simulations. They link up in brain areas and they also talk to other brain areas further upstream and downstream in our cognitive processing.” (comparison with a functioning orchestra and sleepwalking)


(11:00 – 11:32) The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex

Memory of happenings: “… this integrated experience gives us that memory of what just happened, of what we experienced. By accessing this memory we can perceive ourselves as being conscious - of having been conscious of sequences of things over the last moments in time. I call this the conductor theory of consciousness - You are not your brain, you are a story that your brain tells itself. This conscious stream allows us to tell us a story about who we are.”

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